When one considers a holistic reading of the story of redemption presented in scripture the term "heaven" can be seen as it is presented biblically. In other words, "heaven" is not the locale for the eternal destination of humanity, as it is commonly presented in popular thought among contemporary Christians. Moreover, the term needs to be understood in its biblical context and then used accordingly. According to the story [the biblical metanarrative], heaven is part of the created order along with earth. Most of us have no trouble understanding what is meant by "earth." It is a part of the story that we have a direct relationship with, it is tangible. Heaven, on the other hand, is not as accessible, prima facie, as the earth. What then is heaven? And where is it? First, let me address the common misconception of "heaven" which was referred to earlier. There are multitudinous Christians today and in the recent past who have be taught or formulated a conception of "heaven" that is not at all accurate to the biblical story from which they claim to take it. The notion of "heaven" so construed can most fundamentally be asserted as the eternal hope, the final destination, or the end goal of human existence. More importantly to the view is the claim that the eternal destiny is not on earth, but rather, in "heaven." Several popular hymns come to mind that vividly illustrate the common ideaolgy that heaven is our final destination; "When the Roll is Called up Yonder," by James M. Black; "When We All Get to Heaven," by Emily D. Wilson and Eliza E. Hewitt; and "This World is Not My Home," by Albert E. Brumley, to name a few. These songs articulate a view of heaven as humanity leaving earth for a better place; heaven. The songs are filled with hopeful longing for the day when we will leave here because we are "just a passing through." Such a picture of heaven has been the marquee of Christian hope for millions. It is painful to see how misguided so many Christians have been. For some added support, let us consider Dr. J. Richard Middleton's research and affirmations:
"Heaven" was never part of God's purposes for humanity in the beginning of
the story and has no intrinsic role as the final destiny of human
salvation...there is not one single reference in the entire biblical canon
(Old or New Testament) to "heaven" as the eternal destiny of the believer.
While this idea has a vastly important role in popular Christian
imagination (and even in some theologies), not once does Scripture
itself actually say that the righteous will live forever in "heaven" [1] p. 86
On the practical side, many view life as a mundane task to fill the time until we reach heaven. Viewing earthly living as a temporary task is a ghastly mistake on behalf of humanity. If heaven is not our eternal hope or final resting place, then where is it? And, more urgently, to what end then is our task on earth?
Earth, is our ultimate locale. Why earth, and what happened to heaven? Now we are getting to the point where one's reading of Scripture [or lack thereof] begins to make a significant impact in understanding of the two terms. Let us consider the "new" role of heaven according to a holistic view of Scripture. Such a view is more properly laid out again by Dr. Middleton:In Scripture, the term "heaven" (or
the "heavens") represents, first of all,
part of the created universe: "In the
beginning God created the heavens and
the earth" (Genesis 1:1). In this
context, "heaven" certainly refers to that
aspect of creation understood to be
more transcendent (the realm beyond ordinary
human access). This is why Scripture
portrays heaven as the throne of
God—with earth as God’s footstool (Isaiah
66:1‐2), an image, paradoxically, not only
of God’s transcendence but also ofGod’s
immanence (since he has chosen to
dwell within the created order).41
Heaven is also the realm—in
contradistinction to earth—where God’s will
is perfectly accomplished prior to the
eschaton. This is the assumption behind
the prayer Jesus taught his disciples:
"Your kingdom come, your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven"
(Matthew 6:10). It is the biblical
eschatological hope that one day God’s
salvation (which is being prepared in
heaven) will be manifest fully on
earth. Then earth will be fully
conformed to heaven. [2] p. 96
With a more biblically grounded understanding of heaven in place, let us move to consider the role of humanity and our relationship to earth. When considering earth in light of one's "new" view of heaven it becomes inherent that everything that humanity does matters. More specifically it matters because we are in relationship with the earth. As Middleton informs us, the story of Scripture is one of redemption by God and humanity of all creation; human and non-human. Through the process of redemption God is seeking to restore all of creation, not just humanity.
[1] and [2] J. Richard Middleton. "A New Heaven and a New Earth: The Case for a Holistic Reading of the Biblical Story of Redemption." Journal for Christian Theological Research 11 (2006) 73-96.
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